/pa:’tisipert/ v [I] ~ (in) take
part or become involved in an activity, Participant / -pant/ n [C] person who
participates in sth, Participation /pa:,tisi’pei∫n/ n [U]
‘peɪt(ə)nt/noun , a government authority
or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole
right to make , use, or sell an invention:he took
out a patent for an improved steam hammer
Permanence /’pɜɪmənəns/noun, the state or quality of
lasting or remaining unchanged indefinitely:the clarity and
permanence of the dyes
Piecework /’piɪswəɪk/noun , work paid for according
to the amount produced Plank /plaŋk/ noun, 1 a long, thin, flat piece of
timber, used especially in building and flooring, 2
a fundamental point of a political or other programme:the
central plank of the bill is the curb on industrial polluters, 3 British informal a stupid person
Planning /’planɪŋ/ noun, the process of making
plans for something
adj 1 ~ (with) liked or enjoyed by
many people 2 of or for ordinary
people: ~ culture/fiction 3 (of
beliefs,ect) shared by many people
Pottery /n
(pl -ies) 1 [U] (pots, dishes, ect made of)baked clay 2 [C] place where clay
pots and dishes are made
Precious /’prɛʃəs/ adjective , 1 of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly:precious
works of art my time's precious ;greatly loved or treasured
by someone:look after my daughter — she's very precious to me ;[attributive] informal used for emphasis, often in an ironic context:you and your precious schedule — you've got to
lighten up! a precious lot you know about dogs! ;2 derogatory affectedly
concerned with elegant or refined behaviour, language, or manners:his
exaggerated, precious manner
fa’tgrafi/ n [U] art or process of taking photographs
/ ‘pikt∫a(r)/ n [C] painting, drawing, ect, that shows a scene, a person or
Planish /’planɪʃ/ verb ,flatten (sheet metal)
with a smooth-faced hammer or between rollers
Planner /’planə/noun, 1 a person who makes plans, a person who controls or plans urban
development:city planners, 2 a list or chart with information that is an aid to planning:my
day planner
Planning blight / ’planɪŋ blʌɪt / noun, the reduction of
economic activity or property values in a particular area resulting from
expected or possible future development or restriction of development
plΔ∫/ adj (infml) smart, expensive and comfortable
pal/ n [c] survey of public opinion
Possession /pə’zɛʃ(ə)n/noun , 1. [mass noun] the state of
having , owning, or controlling something:she had taken
possession of the sofa the
book came into my possession he remains in full possession of
his sanity 2.
(usually possessions) something that is
owned or possessed:I had no money or possessions that photograph was Bert's most precious
possession 3. [mass noun] the state of being controlled by a demon or spirit:they
said prayers to protect the people inside the hall from demonic possession
praid/ n 1 [U] feeling of
satisfaction that you get from doing sth well 2 [U,sing] person or thing
that give you a feeling of satisfaction
or pleasure: their daughter was their ~ and joy. 3 [U] self-respect 4 [U]
(disapprov) too high an opinion of yourself
5 [C] group of lions
‘problam/ n [C] thing that is difficult to deal with or understand
‘prod3ekt/ n [C] planned piece of work designed to find information about sth or to produce sth new
pra’mat/ v [T] 1 help sth to happen or develop 2 advertise a product or
service 3 move sb to a higher rank or more senior job
Promoter n [C] person who
organizer or supports sth
prop/ n [C] 1 piece of wood , metal, etc used to support sth 2 person or thing that helps or
supports sb / sth 3 [usu pl] small
object used by actors during a performance
/pʌb’lɪsɪti/noun , notice or attention given to someone or something by the
the case
attracted wide publicity in the press
the giving out of information about a product,
person, or company for advertising or promotional purposes:[as modifier] :a publicity campaign
or information used for such a purpose:we distributed publicity from a stall
in the marketplace
reggae : west indian popular music and dance
revue :
showing in a theatre, with dances, songs, and jokes
Representational art :
Art whose subject matter contains recognizable images from real life.
Rhythm :
A principle of design. Rhythm involves the repetition of elements to create the
illusion of movement.
Sari : Dress worn especially by Indian women made of a long piece of cloth wrapped round the body
Sarong : Long piece of fabric wrapped
around the body from the waist, worn in Indonesia and Malaysia
Sash :
Long piece of clothworn round the waist or over the shoulder
Satin :
Silk material that is shiny on one side
Scrap :
Small piece of sth especially paper, fabric, etc
Sculpt :
Sculptor :
Person who make sculptures
Sculpture : Work of art that is a solid figure or
object made by curving or shaping wood, stone, etc
Sediment :
Solid material that settels at the bottom of a liquid
Shawl : Large piece of material worn
over a woman’s shoulders or head wrapped round a baby
Sheet :
Piece of thin fabric used on a bed to lie on or under
Silk :
Material made from fine, soft thread produced by silkworms
Sketch :
Simple drawing that is done quickly and without detail
Solo :
Piece of music, dance, etc
Sonata :
Music for one or two instruments, usually with three or four parts
Song :
Short piece of music with words that you sing
Soot :
Black powder produced when wood, coal, etc is burnt
Soprano :
Higest singing voice of women
Statue :
Figure of a person, an animal,etc. In wood, stone, bonze, etc
textile : textile adj : of or relating to fabrics or fabric making; "textile research" textile n : artifact made by weaving or felting or knitting or crocheting natural or synthetic fibers; "the fabric in the curtains was light and semitraqnsparent"; "woven cloth originated in Mesopotamia around 5000 BC"; "she measured off enough material for a dress" [syn: fabric, cloth, material]
theme : theme v : provide with a particular theme or motive; "the restaurant often themes its menus" theme n 1: the subject matter of a conversation or discussion; "he didn't want to discuss that subject"; "it was a very sensitive topic"; "his letters were always on the theme of love" [syn: subject, topic], 2: a unifying idea that is a recurrent element in a literary or artistic work; "it was the usual `boy gets girl' theme" [syn: motif], 3: (music) melodic subject of a musical omposition; "the theme is announced in the first measures"; "the accompanist picked up the idea and elaborated it" [syn: melodic theme, musical theme, idea], 4: an essay (especially one written as an assignment); "he got an A on his composition" [syn: composition, paper, report], 5: (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem" [syn: root, root word, base, stem, radical]
transform : transform v 1: subject to a mathematical transformation, 2: change or alter in form, appearance, or nature; "This experience transformed her completely"; "She transformed the clay into a beautiful sculpture"; "transubstantiate one element into another" [syn: transmute, transubstantiate]
3: change in outward structure or looks; "He transformed into a monster"; "The salesman metamorphosed into an ugly beetle" [syn: transmute, metamorphose], 4: change from one form or medium into another; "Braque translated collage into oil" [syn: translate], 5: convert (one form of energy) to another; "transform energy to light", 6: change (a bacterial cell) into a genetically distinct cell by the introduction of DNA from another cell of the same or closely related species, 7: increase or decrease (an alternating current or voltage).
: tripod n : a three-legged rack used
for support
: tailor n : a person whose occupation is
making and altering garments [syn: seamster, sartor] tailor, v 1: make fit for
a specific purpose [syn: shoehorn], 2: style and tailor in a certain fashion;
"cut a dress" [syn: cut], 3: create (clothes) with cloth; "Can
the seamstress sew me a suit by next week?" [syn: sew, {tailor-make}]
commentsah ternyata banyak juga yah istilah istilah dalam desain. tapi sayang penjelasannya juga menggunakan bahasa inggris jadi kaga ngerti saya :(